Friday, January 27, 2006

USA: Prez Security Wiretaps: Heavy law-argument favors Bush, demolishes Newsweek punditherer

Hugh Hewitt, the astute bloggerissimo of Christian online comment in the USA, has rather definitively shattered the fragile thread of thawt offered by one of Newsweek's alleged heavy-weights. In his blog entry, "Jonathan Alter, Round 2" (Jan26,2k6), Hewitt backs up the Bush position regarding his Presidential authority in the current wiretap practices of the National Security Agency. It's hard work to read these exhaustive arguments from the most authoritative legal minds on record on the subject of Presidential powers in wartime, but Hewitt supplies said arguments in the course of itemizing the case for the President's move in the current case. He also let's us know where Alter on Hewitt's radio show came up short, not even able to engage the broadcast discussion. I've read thru the expert juridic thinkers cited, as Hewitt presents them thoroly in somewhat lengthy texts, and I am persuaded that they and he have by far outdistanced both Alter and the general far-left hullabalooo. - Owlb

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