Monday, January 16, 2006

Canada: Election: 100 legal sectarians try to block Harper's promise of free vote on marriage

There have been no careful studies of the cult of legal scholarship which dominates Canada's law schools and thru which its members, lacking a credible philosophy of law, have infused the courts, the law schools, and Paul Martin with a dictatorial approach to demoting marriage. They are driven by a grand obsession based on weak, even laffable, ideas. As a result, Canada has its dubious "Same-Sex Marriage Act," and these Fidos claim the Act cannot be rescinded by the House of Commons, rescinded because of the coercion brawt to bear on Parliamentarians by Martin in securing it. A moral insult to the nation, at least the English-speaking nation. It's obvious that Martin's coercion of the Commons and dictation to the Liberal-appointed Senate; Martin's appointment of two lackeys to the Supreme Court without any public vetting of their hidden agendas., a Supreme Court which now is said by the 100 Constitiutional Experts to Entrench the Demotion of Marriage to constitute the body to which Haper must refer in advance his proposal for a free vote on the matter. And, looking for an honest treatment of the matter is also problematic because, as said, the Senators are all appointees, most are Liberals. In other words, the way in which the assault on marriage as a 1woman1man reality was secured by this party acting in the name Equality and Law (both rendered mere slogans of by this gnostic academic and political elite) has been an elaborate charade of smoke and mirrors.

They tell us the largely-Liberal-appointed Court is completely free to read into the Charter of Rights any meanings it wants, in the the name of the mentioned slogans, but now they turn around and tell us that the House of Commons is not free to have a free vote to rescind absurd legislation. The reason this intellectually-sterile committee of 100 "constitutional experts" does so, is because they know the Court is stacked, is ideologically-rigid in its determination to demote marriage, to abide with the invention of the further absurdity of "Same-Sex" fake-marriage, to treat 2woman intimate unions as the same as 2men intimate unions under the same "Same-Sex" nonsense. It's an abstraction, that does not exist in the world outside of jargons and theoretical flytraps contrived to do in the uniqueness of marriage which is based on intimate union between two persons of different sex. It's the overcoming of this difference (which doesn't happen with 2women unions or 2men unions), the overcoming of this difference in an intimate union which makes 1woman1man intimate unions stand out in their uniqueness, and in their difference together as woman and man, from the other two. The other two kinds mentioned are equally unique, from marriage, and from one another. No lawyer's cult of obtuse thawt can change that.

It's time to flush Canada's law schools of their cultic obsessions, to pluralize them, to foster a more serious address to the philosophy of law in majorly different varieties - instead of allowing the present cult to have a monopoly such that it can dictate against a free vote of the House of Commons (forget the Senate, the gnostic appointees of the same ideological swarm). These 100 "constitutional experts" are actually a conspiracy to obstruct justice, to intimidate a democratic free vote in Parliament, to seal the farce of the Same-Sex Marriage Act as tho it came from God, they being its hi priesthood and arbiters of legal orthodoxy. But the legislation they are trying to enshrine is absurd, as shown above. - Owlb

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