Tuesday, January 17, 2006

College Youth: Jubilee Conference: "Imagine the Kingdom" Feb24-26, Pittsburgh - 1 of North America's most important yearlies

Jubilee 2006
Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

If you are a college student and have not yet registered for the big Jubilee 2006 student conference Imagine the Kingdom, do so now! Here are just some of the workshops, each of which I think would be worth the price of admission all on their own, says Gideon Strauss, to whom a vigourous Hat Tip for "purloined" text and info! - Owlb:

Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin
“Art, Faith and Warhol: Journeying Between the Modern and the Postmodern”

Vincent Bacote
“The Church's First Great Commission”
“Toward Understanding & Appropriating A Rich Tradition”

Katherine Leary
“Shaping the Culture that Shapes You”
“Moments of Truth Unveil the Motives of the Heart”

Esther Lightcap Meek
“Longing to Know: Epistemology for Ordinary People
“Inviting the Real: Epistemological Etiquette”

Sexuality and Chastity
Lauren Winner
“Real Sex: The Naked Truth about Chastity”

Architecture & Urban Design
David Greusel, AIA
“Redeeming the Built Environment: A Gospel of Architecture

John Patrick, MD
“Every Patient Inhabits a Story: Narrative Ethics and Medicine”
“Meaning and Purpose in Medicine”

Academic Discipleship
Derek Melleby and Don Opitz
“The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness”

Computer Design
Bill Slease
“Video Games: Changing the Day, One World at a Time”

Sam Van Eman
“On Earth as It is In Advertising”
“To be in the advertising world and not of it”

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