Thursday, June 02, 2005

Semiotics: TV star's scarf & artist's text: Oprah's self-image?, or graphic/text artist's over-the-top satire?

islamoprah, originally uploaded by Anaximaximumphotographics.

Take a look below at Politicarp's comment on the Preston Taylor Holmes story, originated by Debbie Schussel, regarding the muddle of Oprah's politics. If you want more, direct from Holmes's source, click on the blue title at the top of this entry, to go direct to Schussel's piece.

About the picture of Oprah in the scarf, it resonates with another image, a recent photo of Laura Bush clutching her black scarf at the mosque called in English the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. I'll try to look it up for you. There's some point of semotic analysis to be made here, but as of yet, I'm not sure what. - Owlb

PS If anyone has a means to magnify the artist's label in the upper right-hand corner of the Orpah pix, could you please send the info to Politicarp at mac dot com ? P wants to contact him and ask some questions about what's going on in this work. - P
Sorry, no live-links feature yet; click the blue title above, to go to the Schussel article on Oraph. The meme path has been: Schussel > Holmes > Owlb > Politicarp

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