Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Human Rights: Propaganda Mills Slamnesty Splinternational transformed into lie machine, gets Senator's backing, now backsoff

First, dear reader, click the blue title above and read Dr Ariel Cohen's article, "Gitmo is no Gulag." It should have the widest possible readership. I leave it to you to acquire for yourself a basic adequate concept of what the Lenin/Stalin Gulag was, and you mite note that at least one of the real things exists today - not at the US Marine Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; but in North Korea. If you understand Gulag, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Saddam Hussein in Iraq, no propaganda mill is going to move you from the realities at work against America's efforts in the world today to make such wickedness less possible in human life.

Now, without repeating Dr Cohen's material, let's take up the new role Amnesty International has mandated for itself, to slam American efforts (flawed of course, but not anywhere near fatally so for the overall correctness, propriety, and justicial task they pursue in Gitmo and the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan) to create conditions of "liberty and justice for all." Amnesty has become part of the problem of lack of human rights in the world, not part of the solution. It has a large research and reporting staff; it has the intellectual brainpower to conduct a fair and honest comparison of Gitmo (while not knowing everything about it) with the Soviet Gulag, the North Korean Gulag, the prison systems of every Arab and other Muslim country, and damn near anything else it wants. It has chosen not to do so. It has prefabricated and prevaricated major verbal injustices to cast aspersion on American military justice and American soldiers giving their lives in the field of battle every day for the last two years.

Slamnesty has hit the height of hubris just once too often, and has unleashed words it can never take back, nor cover its trail, but has rather exposed itself as willing to make itself an instrument in the war against America. It is now chief propagandist for the miscreants - no soldiers they - who are held in privileged bondage at Gitmo because of their work to kill American soldiers assigned to liberate a country that was lost under the power of a terror régime and its foreign irregulars, the bloodthirsty minions of Al Quaeda. What has Amnesty produced that informs us systematically of what happens under Al Quaeda, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein and his recent terrorist re-incarnations in Iraq?, I wonder. Perhaps a little brochure, but so far nothing like Orpah's mag which carried an expansive article telling us about the 9/11er Mo Atta and all the troubles the lad had in his childhood. Maybe that will be Slam's next ploy, a tear-jerking book on the good little bad boys incarcerted at Gitmo. But when it comes to those dillettantes dining well at American expense in their confinement at Gitmo (I wish I had such fine meals during several years of my life), Slamnesty has found it fit to truck out of its rhetorical overload a truckload of fetid falsehoods that have no relation to fact, and do injustice to the real flaws and problems that may arise there from time to time.

One could say that hardcore propagandists gravitate to the ranks and leadership of organizations like Amnesty. After all, the organization has a track record of raising funds that has made them consistently operable over many years. As a result, it can provide a well-paying job to those so inclined, in which gradually they may raise the level of their rhetoric to conduct the anti-American war in which their real interest lies. However, we must remember, that Amnesty is one among a plethora of human-rights organizations that speak up for prisoners and prisoners of war (which latter those at Gitmo are not, in terms of the Geneva Convention). Those imprisoned and concentrated at Gitmo are simply a part of a fanatical murderous gang out to kill in order to control a country that wasn't theirs in the first place, as a stepping stone to world control. There are many, many organizations focused on human rights - so there is a ruthless competition to be number one. To be number one in fundraising and perpetuating the bureaucracy of the organization, and maintaining those salaries in the hi-ly competitive human-rights industry. To be number one in creating public spectacle by making outrageous statements in the media and getting its name bandied about. To be number one, in Slamnesty's case, in defaming America wherever it can suss out and dress up a problem or flaw by inflating it to proportions beyond all bounds. The goal is to make American policy and action look infinite, infinitely evil, the worst ever or ever will be. If Slamsty has a little something, doesn't really matter what, it can inflate it and inflame it with the most outrageously swollen rhetoric its researchers can find in the shallow infinity of their verbiage.

Amnesty has outdone itself this time around. It has splintered the human-rights community as never before; it has scandalized its own staff by making the organization look like a falsifier of human history regarding the Soviet Gulag, which at least approaches being on a par with the Holocaust. It has divided the igorant among its supporters and cheerers-on from the knowing, for its ignorant are trapped in that Amnesty-fostered ignorance and can do nothing but revile the Ameriucan government as a result of their dependnece upon such fast-and-loose play with the truth, just so the Amnasties can get its name to the forefront as the seeming boldest and best, when its tactic is really one of deep and cynical cowardice and self-service. May the Lord wither it on its vine, and leave it to the passersby as a monument of its betrayal of its own mission, cut down to a bare and shrivelled trunk by its spreading of hubritic falsehood. And may its competitors get the funds which will preserve the mission of serving as conscience regarding the major human-rights problems of the world today, while not functioning as betrayers of Western and American efforts to advance, however imperfectly, human rights everywhere in general but not in cases like those of the sworn human-rights enemies incarcerated at Gitmo. Slamnesty Splinternational has hurt the cause of human rights.

Now, the rhetoric of SlamSplinter quickly reproduced itself and magnified itself in media just looking for such fodder to feed into its stacks, which were as quickly blown. One medium occupied by the heinous spirit of SlamSplinter falsehood was a pompous hass-wit of a US Senator, so overwrawt with partisanship, that when he blew his stack and thereby polluted the airwaves and print media with a frag-bomb of lies, a good part of it was blown by the Wind right back in his ignominious face. I'm speaking of course, about a leading non-entity known only to some people in the great state of Illinois where he was elected a United States Senator, Richard Durbin - the press calls him "Dick" Durbin, so I too may point to the smallness of his brain and prickliness of his appendages otherwise. He is what you'd call "a dickhead." He has no sense of boundaries when comparing events, events of a historical character that have mired the souls of millions, which he purposely exploited (my opinion: if it wasn't on purpose, he is so totally ignorant that he is incompetent for his job; he should resign immediately).

Update on Sen Dick Durbin: Blackfive records massive reaction to Dick's Dump on US interrogations at Gitmo

But, really, were he not regularly such a dumb and vicious platitude himself, why mite he stoop to the tactic he used? I think it's near at hand: he's the senior Senator from Illinois, and he's in the shadow of the junior Senator, Baruch Obama, who was given a key role in the Democratic National Convention, was elected by Illlinois voters by a huge margin, and whose name has more vital recognition everywhere - compared to his shadow Durbin who was asked to apologize by none other than the Illinois Democrat kingpin, Mayor of Chicago, Richard Daly. Durbin has to make a noise, has to seize a moment, has to get out there with the most media-demanding sentences an Illinoisan can noise. And so it was. And so he did. It took him a week of denials, quasi-denials, supplementary self-interpretations (see Derrida on "the Supplement"), and re-selfinterpretations - all carefully made to the media, and not to the people and his colleagues on the floor of the Senate. The Majority Leader of said Chamber of the US Congress, demanded that Durbin get his ass in there, and get up on his hind-legs there, and make full apolgy there, thoroly and at once.

Well, at last he did that, or something like that. I'm not interested. His apology was and is necessary, but trivial reading. Because the offense is too profound to linger over. He can not be rehabilitated. And if Illinois re-elects him, so much the worst for the state's reputation, which is a very good one in American history. It was the home state of Abraham Lincoln, the leader of the Second American Revolution, and the source for the renewal of the Constitution. The man who gave us the phrase "one nation under God" which Dwight Eisenhowever had enshrined in the national pledge of allegiance to the flag. That's the legacy that the lies of ex-Sen Durbin defamed with his, among other things, extremely stupid remarks made in another hubritic moment alongside those of Slamnesty, for his own self-aggrandizement.

Sen. Richard J. Durbin yesterday said he was "sorry" after parsing words for a week about his remarks comparing U.S. interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to those of Nazi and Soviet regimes. He apologized on the Senate floor.
"I'm sorry if anything that I said caused any offense or pain to those who have such bitter memories of the Holocaust, the greatest moral tragedy of our time," said Mr. Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate.

As tho only sufferers of the Holocaust and their families and ethnic community are the only ones affected by the grossnes of false-phrase Durbin's historical falsification. Anyone affected by those régimes is scandalized by the inept comparison. Apparently, if your family or ethnicity were "merely" Russian, Lithuanian (like mine), Polish, Czech - but not Jewish - it's okay to offend with such excremental false comparisons. I hope Chicago with all its folk of these ethnicities shows Durbin where to go the next time he runs for office. Why are not all those who got after Trent Lott not now demanding that Durbin resign his role as Dem whip immediately? The Democratic double-standard regarding racial and ethnic injustice, as usual. How far this party has sunk!

"I'm also sorry if anything I said in any way cast a negative light on our fine men and women in the military. I went to Iraq just a few months ago," he said, pausing and appearing to tear up at one point during the five-minute speech. "When you look at the eyes of the soldiers you see your son and daughter. They are the best. I never, ever intended any disrespect for them. Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line. To them, I extend my heartfelt apologies."

But here's the phoniness of his slopology: he never admits he did indeed cross the line. If you think so, then you get a think-so apology, but what does Durbin himself think? No one's fooled by the rhetoric of this apology.

Of course, this exposure of - I can't believe it - the minority whip of Democrats in the Senate - is politically quite upsetting to those who want to interfere with the workings of military intelligence and military justice. Everything for them turns on the word "torture." But I keep saying, we need some comparative sense here. Torture of those who torture, behead, sew women into bags with only eye-slits for the rest of their lives (whether they enjoy it or not), deny them education, minimize their health care, force Wahhabist religion on a whole society, and on and on, should be understood as equivalent if and only if and when it is equivalent. Were there torture of some of these fiendish pariahs at Gitmo, it wasn't at all commensurate with the practices of Al Quaeda in Afghanistan and Iraq. And the drive of interrogators, if it did get out of hand at times at Gitmo, should be adjudicated by military justice, not civil justice which is incompetent to understand the circumstances or the consequences of not extracting information from the element in question. This element is not covered by the US's signature to the Geneva Convention. Neither the Senate Dem whip nor the House Dem leader, Nancy Pelosi, have the responsiblity to save American lives by extracting information from the well-fed non-Genevan cut-throats at sunny Gitmo. - Owlb

Durbin's Dumstrous Duplicity

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