Monday, June 13, 2005

Politics: Canada: Update on demonization of Steven Harper and 'Christian activist' Tories

The reader will notice that this blog entry slithers all over the place. Ultimately, its after Steven Harper. But it wants to drag the "Christian activists" who have run some riding nominations for the next Federal elections into the mud as its snakes its way toward Harper. So, Koby, the putative author, works out a complex slither and slide smear technique straight out of McCarthyism. To get at Harper he goes after Cindy Silver and to get at her he goes after a North Vancouver journalist for the North Shore News, who it seems is rather partisan for her. And then to make this connection of journalist Trevor Lauten's support for the politics of Cindy Silver sound and appear more gauche, even sinister, Koby goes after a local journalist who supported a previous local politician under a previous phase of the newspapers life. It's all so remote. But the sneaky thing about the Koby piece is that he starts with his real target, then he shifts to people not current in the mix against whom he can stir up venom without apparent much resistance from local readers (if any bother with this BlogsCanada E-Group thingy), then having created negative feelings dealing with other assumedly more represensible folk, Koby then shifts make and tries to carry the surplus negativity he's generated against one set of folks (grant for arguments sake they are indeed nogoodniks), then with that emotional climate launched he turns back on Lautens, and Silver (because she is or was or ever all be a "Christain fundamentalist" - as tho that has anything to do with her right to be in the public square with her viewpoint, and her increasingly well-honed political stance which Koby grudgingly acknowledges is more developed, more mature, as she's worked at it for some time now, after all she is by training and profession a lawyer. Then, the snakey Koby gets on about Harper and some social-conservative features of his strategy for part of his campaign before he led the union of the two conservative parties, with Peter MacKay. Koby wants to make Harper out as undeveloping; he doesn't mention the brilliant alternative legislation Harper designed and introduced in opposition to Paul Martin's Law to Destroy the Traditional Legal Definition of Marriage. Koby wants to pretend that all homos are in agreement with the gang that shouts for this absurdly conceived path to legal recognition of two additional kinds of intimate unnions that do exist in our society. The whole conception is absurd, but "Christian activists" have no proprietary ownership of the view, nor even does Harper. It's simply more honest, more integral, and more fair to retain the traditional definition, and then see whether the other two forms can be discussed each in its own character, own right, and own responsbility. Koby has proved himself an adept smear artist, but the depth of thawt he exposes regarding his own mind shows him to be not only mean, but shallow. - Owlb

BlogsCanada E-Group "multipartisan political punditry"

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