Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Science: Anticreationism Dawkins dresses up Evolutionism as the most hi-ly evolved knowledge that was, is, or ever could be

As an evolution-minded Christian who finds value in Intelligent Design (ID) theory, but follows the critique of it initiated in the scientific biology journal Zygon some months back by Dr Uko Zylstra on ID's lack of a critical appreciation of creation law (and especially the biotic foundational laws that hold for the whole known creation in that aspect or set of aspect), I found Richard Dawkin's latest glib harangue nauseating beyond relief. I won't go into its maze of double-standards now; you read on your own, as always, but without the help or annoyance of interpretive and opionated comments by me, this time around. But I don't think Dawkin's thawt is the most hi-ly evolved there is amongst us human creatures. And I don't think his arguments touch one bit the firm truth of God's creation, humanity's speckled religious awareness (which Dawkins displays despite himself), and the human fall into sin which also affects and conditions our knowledge, a human fall that precipitated the coming of the Redemption in Jesus Christ who poured Himself out and took the form of a servant and achieved something radically renewing for the whole creation. I get into this direct statement because of the nature of the latest Dawkins attack, which is deeply religious in its own way, making a religion out of a particular scientific venture of long standing but mortal dimensions. - Owlb

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