Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Justice: USA: Supreme Court Nonsense decision on Medical Marijuana proves 6 out of 9 Supremes smoked Hippocraseize

The New Republic, a certifiably Leftwing magazine in print and online in the USA, carries an analytic article by Bill Baude, a Yale Law School student, regarding a brand new US Supreme Court decision that struck down California's 1996 Compassionate Use Act, a law allowing use of marijuana for medical purposes, when prescribed by a doctor.. The vote was an idiotic 3 against and 6 in favor of the strikedown. But as New Republic makes mindbogglingly plain, the decision turned entirely on a technical detail or two or three. This is legalistic technocratism substituting itself for public justice. My own view is that so much beer, wine, scotch, rye, vodka, tequila, rum, prefab margaritas and daiquiris, martinis shaken not stirred, ad nauseum, are permitted to work their way thru American veins and brains - that the in toto prohibition of marijuana is patently ridiculous. Doesn't Hippocrates have any say at all in the midst of these hi-court hypocrisies? But you'd have to dance the Legalistic Twist recounted by Baude, to understand what infected the Court's stupored decision-making processes to appreciate appreciation said derogation, perhaps overly drained by the heat or the prospect of new appointments. - Owlb

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