Tuesday, March 08, 2011

PoliticsUSA: Conservative Activist: Wants to recruit Sufi Muslim leader to run for Senate in Michigan

A conservative political organizer wants Hisham Kabbani to run for the US Senate in Michigan, against Democratic incumbent Senator Debbie Stabenow, in the Nov 2k12 elections, says Daily Caller, the Washington DC conservative news website.

The activist is Adam Brickley, a blogger who operate the Dogcatcher Project.  Brickely says Kabbani is a Sufi Muslim, a Michigan resident, well known for his Islamic worldview, a version devoid jihadism and strong on social conservative values.

Kabbani has been an outspoken opponent of radical Islam and its potentially subversive influences in American culture – at one point saying that extremism has spread to “80 percent of Muslim population” in the United States. Indeed his comments have made him persona non grata among groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America. He has also been the subject of a number of death threats.

Brickley told The Daily Caller that the hope is to generate buzz about his candidacy before campaign season heats up and his group’s voice is drowned out.
It is Kabbani’s strong and vocal opposition to radicalism and potential appeal to Michigan’s large Muslim population that has" attracted Brickley's Dogcatcher Project that seeks to catch Sen Stabenow by surprise. 
“Shaykh Kabbani has been an active presence in anti-jihadi efforts for a while,” Brinkley said. “I heard him a few years ago when he was in Frank Gaffney’s documentary ‘Islam versus Islamists.’ He has a large following and when we found out he was in Michigan – which is one of our target races – we thought it would be an interesting idea to try.
refWrite thinks this is a quite creative idea, and shoud the Sufi Shaykh accept the support offered, we will do our part to spread the word of his candidacy.  What a wonderful way to bring patriotic Americans of Islamic faith into our American political mainstream.

-- Daily Caller materials and refWrite political endorsement posted by Politicarp

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/03/08/conservative-group-launches-effort-to-draft-anti-extremist-islamic-leader-to-face-stabenow/#ixzz1G2WerXGh

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