Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Juridics: Canada: Law journalism for the law-focussed professions is slowly rising in Canada

One feature of the emerging magazines both in print and online, targetting the need of persons in the law professions for magazines that cater to the kind of discourse and reportage they need. In Ontario, perhaps the flagship of this niche among online journals is Law Times. R+t smartly, the editors of the online versions of these mags have concentrated on to a considerable extent on news videos, often produced and distributed by the digital dynamoes themselves.

Above, we have embedded the latest short video in the weekly "Ontario Legal News Update," usually carrying a quick survey of legal developments in our procvince, featuring stories selected by the editor, covering the week's developments. In this case, the week beginning June 7, 2k10. In the near future, refWr+t will be taking up some the developments featured in Law Times and other law mags hailing from Ontario, wider Canadian locales, and perhaps even occasionally a French-language story, regarding which our readers may benefit from it's being aired here.

-- Lswt

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