Tuesday, July 19, 2005

War: Terrorist Propaganda: StrategyPage's "Dead Children Killing Al-Quaeda," Al-Jazeera progandizes to blame US for dead kids

Rookmaker Club geostrategic analysis

StrategyPage.com has a major article on the what's going wrong for Al-Quaeda in Iraq, a piece in whch it makes the suicide bombing of a US vehicle surrounded by children receiving handouts of free canay from US Marines the all-too-vivid centerpiece, driving home the point that these terrorists couldn't resist blowing up whomever was at hand and transforming them into a bloody dead mess. The article is not limited to its most vivid moment of reporting and analysis, however. It cites a number of developments in the battle situation that bear note from those concerned about "how the war is going."

Yet, of course, the Al-Quaeda-friendly Arab press, especially the near-propaganda-press of Al-Jazeera in its English edition July 18, attempts to generate a story to bear the weight of putting the blame on the US Marines who were handing out the candy.

But the real reason for the desperation of Al-Qaeda's activities and Al-Jazeera's propaganda praising those activities or laying the blame for them on coalition forces, especially Americans, has another driving motive. Right now, the terrorist combine seeks to do everything it can to obstruct, delay, impugn two developments from the democratic Iraqi side: 1.) the formal filing of the first charges against the genocidist Saddam Hussein; and 2.) the veritable "race," as The Christian Science Monitor puts the matter, "to finish the new Constitution" by the deadline of August 15, and in which the Shia-dominated government has bent over backward to include non-extremist Sunni concerns in the drafting proces, such that the Sunnis are now dividing between cooperationists with the democratic process and upcoming referendum on the draft Constitution, as aganst the rejectionists who are starting to look like a forlorn rump group blackmailed by Zarquarwi's Al-Qaeda in Iraq cadres of foreigners tawt to hate and slawter Shia. - Owlb

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