Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Canada: Politics: 66% of Tories want to keep Harper as leader; 41% of all Canadians (voters?)

The Globe and Mail carried a report some three days ago that blazoned how one-third of Tories rejected Harper's leadership (which I reversed in my headline here) and 59% of all Canadians...was that all Canadians, really? ... or was it 59% of all Canadians who make a practice of voting in Federal Parliamentary elections ... it does make a difference, you know. One has to be careful regarding the terms pollsters use to bring out the particular editorial slant they want their polls to convey when written up in the press. So I must check back on that too. In any case, again my headline reverses the structure of the information that G&M doled out in this case.

After looking around at half-a-dozen blogs of the usual suspects who mite be expected to take note of Harper's current standings in party and nation, according to this poll, I found no coverage, lament, complaint, or cautious optimism. I found nothing but this pix and comment on Harper's sartorials on the GCBH blog by Publius (scroll way down the page). I guess no one's very much interested in the poll. So, I shall not be interested either. - Owlb

Oops! Maybe it's lefties and Liberals who find the poll interesting, and even perhaps ever so important! - Owlb again

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