Saturday, August 12, 2006

War in Lebanon: UN: Security Council adopts unanimously a ceasefire formula -- but peace still elusive

Led by negotiators from France and the USA, the United Nations Security Council has reached unanimity on a ceasefire formula that it is hoped will end the Hizbullah War (armed by Iran). Evelyn Leopold and Irwin Arieff report for Reuters via Breitbart (Aug11,2k6):

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Friday calling for an end to the month-old war between Israel and Hizbollah, but the Jewish state said its offensive in Lebanon would not be halted yet.
MidEast > Lebanon
The resolution, negotiated by the United States and France, authorized up to 15,000 UN troops to be deployed to monitor a withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon and to help the Lebanese army enforce a ceasefire.

The Lebanese government accepted the resolution and would issue a formal acceptance to the 15-nation Security Council on Saturday, an official source said.
The question remains as to what nation/s will supply the 15,000 troops to man the buffer zone? Will they be covers for Hizbullah's taking over the zone and using it to conitnue shelling norther Israel, including Israeli Arab villages and towns? Can France be depended upon to stand up to Hizbullah in the zone? Could the Lebanese Army, which numbers many Shia Hizbullites in its number, pacify the Shia Hisbullites outside the army so that Israel can begin to live in very watchful peace? Sadly the answer to all these questions is No.

-- Politicarp

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