Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Politics USA: Democrat primaries: Is there a pattern of proHamas proHizbullah farlefties seeking Dem noms in today's primaries?

It's Primary Day in a number of US states and I find myself mostly focussed on Democratic contests. In two so far, that of Hank Johnson challenging incumbent Representative Cynthia McKinney in Georgia's Fourth District, refWrite and I personally have endorsed Johnson; and in that of Sen Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut (where I used to live), refWrite has endorsed Joe. And so have I, personally.

Well, I've found out about another primary vote going on today, rather at the last minute–no?–in Tennessee's Ninth District for the House. The distrct comprises much of Memphis and is heavily black. Two opponents, both black, John Bolton and the Ed Stanton campaign have indulged in anti-semitic attacks on the leading candidate, Steve Cohen (who served previously as a state center and has a large black constitutency who trust him). "Anti-semitic" in my usage here includes a scenario where a campaign worker phones someone in the directory, speaks up for the oppoent to Mr Cohen, and then adds something like, "You know, Christians should be represented by Christians. Wouldn't you prefer to have a Christian like Ed Stanton represent you." While my constructive fiction is an imaganary phone campaigner using an imaginary line phoney "pro-Christian" distrust-of-Jews-sowing-speech, it's just all too real in the rhetoric of the phoney-side of Christian politics these days. I'm all for Christian politics, mind you. Specicifically, Christian-democratic politics, one that is neo-constantinian (non-pacificst, pro-robust antiterrorist intelligence, security, and military action around the world), one that is mindful of human need but fiscally responsible without slavering before the market ideology gone bezerk. Trusting that Steve Cohen is like-minded, whether a Judaic believer or a secularist Jew, and trusting he is not way out in leftwing on moral issues, as too many Democrats today are, I'm endorsing him as well. I hope Steve Cohen's lead in the Democratic Primary turns into a win today. When both the Republican and Democrat candidates are selected by their respective parties, perhaps more info ill be forthcoming on that battle ahead. The idea of certain Christians, Black or White or Asian, campaigning against the candidacy in a non-confessional politiical party, of someone simply because she or he is Jewish, that is a repulsive notion to me. It seems the Democrat farleft is receiving money to support black opponents of Jews and advocates of the Hamas, Hisbullah and the Iranian line against Israel – rather than helping black friends of Jews and the Jewish state of Israel. The MidEast War is being fawt in a number of Democrat primaries today, it would seem.

-- Politicarp

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