Sunday, August 20, 2006

Politics: Canada: Update: War against Hizbullah leading to a 'regression from democracy' in Canada?

Under the title, La politique confessionnelle (Confessional Politics in Canada), Jean-Claude Leclerc wrote a significant article in the French-language daily LeDevoir (Sunday,Aug6,2k6). That article is rendered in a free tranlation into English, with the help of Apple's Sherlock 3 app and SYSTRAN, by Albert Gedraitis, publisher of refWrite with interspersed comments and links by our political analyst Politicarp.

North America > Canada

Authored by a professor of journalism, the Leclerc article expecially deserves a critical-textual analysis because its text substitutes a sentimentalist approach, for the Canadian policy against terrorism (never once does Leclerc mention that Hizbullah is present in Canada too); his approach is one that slips and slides between terms with no crisp definitions. Be that as it may, there is also much to ponder in the underlying trends that Leclerc sees. The blog-entry was updated at this location under this date, but since has been much further updated and moved. -- Politicarp

See the drastically updated version posted Wednesday, Aug23,2k6).

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