Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Africa: Genocide charges: Zimbabwe charged with genocide by citizens groups for demolitions, displacements--'slum clearance'

Africa Files (click title link above) in an emergency email newsletter released today, says the following:

A petition to the United Nations through the office of the Secretary General, on the humanitarian crisis facing the people of Zimbabwe as a result of the recklessness and irresponsible behaviour of the government of Zimbabwe as was demonstrated by the induced 'tsunami' Operation Murambatsvina since May 18 2005. Organisations are requested to sign on by e- mail or fax, and individuals can send e-mails of support to the Crisis Coalition of Civil Society groups and faith- based groups largely located in South Africa and the region where such mobilization is more possible. Some 4 million Zimbabweans live in exile, mostly in the region. JK
Africa > Zimbabwe:

Unfortunately, the late date of receipt of this info precludes most people not located in Zimbabwe from signing-up, but perhaps that's the design of the campaign. In any case, here's the full text of the petition as circulated globally now by Africa Files:

WE, the undersigned Zimbabwean Civil Society Organisations in South Africa, Regional Civil Society and Faith Based Organisations and individuals in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe, hereby petition the United Nations through the office of the Secretary General, on the humanitarian crisis facing the people of Zimbabwe as a result of the recklessness and irresponsible behaviour of the government of Zimbabwe as was demonstrated by the induced 'tsunami' Operation Murambatsvina since May 18 2005.

Action: Sign Petition re Crisis in Zimbabwe a year after Operation Murambatsvina
Act By: 8/2/2006
Sponsor: Zmbabwe Crisis Coalition
Other Contact Info:, tel(04) 793 246/7 (fax), 011 784 154

SINCE 18 MAY 2006, civil society, faith based organisations and individuals in Zimbabwe and in the region, have been commemorating a year after Operation Murambatsvina by way of a series of mournful events. In this two months period, it became apparent to us that despite the UN having sent two envoys to Zimbabwe on fact finding missions on Operation Murambatsvina, the government of Zimbabwe has not only ignored the reports and their recommendations, but has intensified its fight against the poor.

IN ORDER TO COW THE PEOPLE, the government of Zimbabwe embarked on a harassment spree of those who were mourning their beloved ones who were victims to Operation Murambatsvina both in Zimbabwe and outside Zimbabwe. The people are forced to forget their pain and aguish, and endure hardships which could be avoided.

WE wish to inform the United Nations and the world at large that indeed the government of Zimbabwe has built slightly more than 5 000 houses since Operation Garikayi was launched. People whose shelters were destroyed do not occupy these houses; instead individuals who are used by the government of Zimbabwe to oppress the poor occupy these.

WE want the world to know that more people have died as a direct result of Operation Murambatsvina than the number of houses built under Operation Garikayi.

WE pray therefore that:

1 The United Nations Secretary General takes it as his responsibility to inform the world of the unfolding genocide in Zimbabwe as a result of Operation Murambatsvina and other reckless and irresponsible actions of the government of Zimbabwe.

2 The United Nations exerts pressure on the government of Zimbabwe to build bridges with its own people rather some imagined forces outside of Zimbabweans.

3 The United Nations Secretary General makes a public statement a year after Operation Murambatsvina as he did at the beginning of the Zimbabwean 'tsunami'.

4 The United Nations insists that the government of Zimbabwe implement the recommendations of the UN Special Envoy Tibaijuka.

Name of the organization .......................
Representative of the organisation..............

Country............. City................

Signature(if possible)............


Distribute to as many people as possible

Name......... Organisation........ Signature......

Tags: Zimbabwe's citizens cry out against genocide

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