Saturday, February 12, 2011

PoliticsEgypt: Digital Revolution: With Mubarak gone, army is the state power

Reuters carries a full page of pictures with captioning lead-ins to stories on the big changes in Egypt.  The scrolldown spread is a good way to orient yourself to the most recent events, implications, and conundrums of the Digital Revolution in the Arab world's most populous country.

The main question now is:  what role, what status for the Muslim Brotherhood and the impositon of Sharia Law in Egypt?  A Norwegian Muslim democrat gives his view of the dangers the MB brings to Europe and we can only imagine regarding the game they will play against democracy and freedom in Egypt.  his views are presented on Dokumente2, Norwegian television, in Norwegian language with English subtitles.

Hat Tip to Linda, commenter #10  on Jesus Creed (Feb11,2k11). You can view it also on refWrite's YouTube channel, yUT2ube.

Another answer to the main political question in Egypt today is that presented in the Jerusalem Post a few days back:

Analysis: Dangerously underestimating the Muslim Brotherhood 

-- Politicarp

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