Friday, August 12, 2005

USA: Immigration : Tamar Jacoby, Manhattan Institute, writes 2 most important webpages on immigration

Writing in The Daily Standard (Aug 15-Aug 22 issue of print version The Weekly Standard), Tamar Jacoby surveys the emerging near-consensus that embraces both sides of the aisle of both houses of the US Congress in regard to the seemingly intractable problem of immigration, and the politics in the background (the Hispanic vote), and the ecnomics of restrictionist school of non-thawt led by Rep. Tom "Tank" Tancredo of Colorado.

To be sure, there are still plenty of people who don't buy into this consensus. Not just restrictionists like Rep. Tom Tancredo, but also many mainstream Republicans, particularly in the House, seem to think that we can fix the problem simply by cracking down--without a guest worker program. One of the major battles to come will pit these "enforcement-only" folks against reformers who understand the paradox of liberalizing to get control. And even within the reform camp, the months ahead will bring no end of skirmishes.

Jacoby remains convinced, however, that a consensus lays beneath the the current battle lines, and the current battle must get hotter, so that the full implications of proceeding with a strong border watch coupled to an active legal orderly process of admission of guest workers into the USA and its economy, that coupled idea will emerge out of all the present commotion.

I would add that President Bush has held firm on both ideas of the coupling, and that this difficult position right now, is another aspect of his compassionate conservatism. - Owlbird

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