Monday, August 01, 2005

Politics: USA - President's Men: Novak: CIA Spokester never said 'don't print agent Plame's name'

Robert Novak the journalist a few hours ago blew up CIA Harlow's cover story, sending it sky-hi. and it seems that Karl Rove will benefit.

Click-up the headline above and judge for yourself. As for me, I believe Bob Novak. Apparently he waited for Harlow to perjure himself before the Special ProProsecutor's grand jury. Novak is far too seasoned and savvy a journalist, making his living off his column and special scoops to bother with lowballing on the facts. His opinions, of course, are another matter, as we all know from his days on TV's news-quarrels between Right and Left on the show Crossfire,

Rove-should he resign?

The Karl Rove Affair: : A One-Minute Guide, by Ted Baiamente, Counterbias, August 1, 2005. If you want the scoop on the Palme -Wilson duo undercover for the Kerry Delaycrats, see this fact-filled and clearly-written piece by Mr. Baiamonte. Also the Counterbias site is running a poll - Should Karl Rove resign? - click-in and join the fun.

Karl Rove's other hat as Prez's economics advisor, by economist Lawrency Kudlow, The Washingoton Times, August 1, 2005. While leaving all the hubbub now surrounding top Presidential advisor Karl Rove to the special inquirity and special prosecutor, Kudlow informs us of the important role Rove has played in guiding a supply-side economics outlook that has affected national policy, toward further economic growth. Detractors says that the supply-side policy is legislating to ensure the rich get richer, and the poor poorer. What they mean, were they to care for accuracy, is that the three-fifths of Americans who are investors do better, while those whatever their income who do not invest are more subject to stagnation in their personal/household finances. What Kudlow leaves out is the effort of Bush policy to enact a "compassionate conservatism" in conjunction with his "supply-side economics," to the effect that agencies closer to the daily lives of people in trouble, can assist those in need in more direct, personal, and values-oriented ways. The Faith-&-Community-Based Initiatives Program is a key part of making social welfare agencies more competitive among one another and more longterm-results oriented.

In a recent hard-hitting speech to the New York Conservative Party, Mr. Rove said: "Conservatives believe in lower taxes; liberals believe in higher taxes. We want few regulations; they want more. We believe in curbing the size of government; they believe in expanding the size of government."
He emphasized the conservative reform agenda with ownership replacing entitlement, welfare reform superseding dependence and Social Security reform benefiting ordinary working people by tapping into the markets. He said conservatives must always and everywhere oppose job-killing tax increases.

Conspiracy theorist for the Leftwing paints all things Rovian as traceable to Richard Nixon, evil incarnate and origin of all our troubles. On that theme, somehow I prefer The Book of Genesis, Chapter Three and tend to see all of us as more or less a mixed bag when it comes to morality, personal or political. Of course, in each case, the more or less becomes very important. - Owlb

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