Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Politics: Prez's Men give way to Prez's Foes : Rove leak diminshes in face of huge CIA leak by 3 Democrat Senators

It's almost unbelievable how this story, based on a major report, has been buried and covered-up by the mainstream news media, while a few of the more conservative ones, particularly NewsMax.com have kept it online where knowledge of its existence has slowly rippled out into the blogosphere brain. It's a story that parallels the alleged Rove leak of the Plame-Wilson cell of Kerryites in the CIA, trying to take down the Bush Administration. But this parallel so dwarfs the allegation concerning Rove, that the latter appears for what it is, at best (that is, at worst, dependending on your particular partisanship) something in the order of a peccadillo. The monster parallel is more on the order of Mortal Sin, and it involves the Deputy Leader of the Senate Democrats, Dick Durbin (notable for his recent Holocasut Abuse), Jay Rockefeller, and Ron Wyden. Credit for this exposé goes to Carl Limbacher and the NewsMax.com staff.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 1:11 p.m. EDT
The Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into whether Democratic Senators Dick Durbin, Jay Rockefeller and Ron Wyden leaked details about a secret "black ops" CIA satellite program last December in a move that may have seriously compromised national security, former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Jed Babbin said on Saturday.

"The CIA made a request to the Justice Department to investigate and possibly bring criminal charges against these three [senators]," Babbin told WABC Radio host Monica Crowley. "My information is that investigation is ongoing."
Rockefeller is the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Durbin is the No. 2-ranking Democrat in the Senate.
Media reports on the satellite leak last December indicated that the Bush administration was concerned about public comments by Durbin, Rockefeller and Wyden and that the CIA had requested a Justice Department probe.

"The formal request for a leaks investigation would target people who described sensitive details about a new generation of spy satellites to The Washington Post, which published a page-one story about the espionage program Saturday [Dec. 11, 2004],"

Click it up and get the incredible details of a well-documented attack on American secret operations, much worse than any puny exposure of the kerryite cell in the CIA. One wonders whether the whole attack on Rove is a desperate effort by the Democratic Senatorial Trio of Betrayal to sandstorm their own wickedness. - Politicarp

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