Friday, May 27, 2005

semiotics: digital artpoem: Picture at the Well

This little poem of semiotic overlay of a prefab image (courtesy of ImageWell) and a bubble device with the option of inserting text (ImageWell again) brawt up as a .tiff pix, and then the insertion of my own text (closely relevant to image but producing a characterizing and semantic load to intensify unity) results in a semiotic poem of image in relation to text with semantic overload (poiesis):then the digi-art semiotic whole is converted using Graphic Converter to a .jpg format, uploaded to Flickr then finally from there re-uploaded to my Blogger blog refWrite. That's the technique used to craft up the found artistic intention of the poem, using and experimenting with the techniques to find the poem itself by this very means. It poses the puzzle of my meaning to the viewer / reader. And I shouldn't go further in trying to translate it, as that would alter its meaning and make it imagery/text itself stale. - Owlb

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