Saturday, May 21, 2005

Personalia: Good existential writing by Christian translator for Truth & Reconciliation in South Africa

A guy named Gideon Strauss who grew up in a white Afrikaner family and church in South Africa, during Apartheid times, but who as a teenager moved away from those roots, first as a pacifist who performed civic alternative service, and then as a would-be challenger of the regime, tells in chaste discourse the story of his journey. It includes a number of years as a translator for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission made famous by Anglican Archbishop Tutu - until Gideon reached his burnout point; and then, at a loss, he emigrated. Here's his story. I recommend it. The lengthy piece includes some powerful images in ink jet print and mixed media by Scott Kolbo. These I strongly recommend also. - Owlb


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