Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Pisteutics: Justice: USA killing of Osama bin Laden by Navy Seals was just, says Gideon Strauss


Dr Gideon Strauss is CEO of the Center for Public Justice, a Christian political thinktank in the Washington DC area.  He developed some thawts, relying on Scripture, on the USA military execution of the mass murderer Osama bin Laden who was mastermind of the 9/11 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, NY; the Pentagon, Arlington Virginia; and the further planned attack on the Capitol in Washington that was prevented by airplane passengers who sacrificed themselves by deflecting the terrorist flite path of the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, apparently on its way toward the Capitol or the White House.  They achieved their heroic goal by crashing their plane in a field near Shanksville, Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  In all three locations, the death toll totaled 2,977 victims, and 19 assassins who were deployed for this purpose by Osama bin Laden.  OBL was also responsible for several other mass murders in scattered places around the world; he was an ally of the Taliban in subjugating Afghanistan to a severe regime of Sharia Law, repression of women, and many other heinous perversions of justice.

Dr Strauss's article amounts to a guide for the perplexed and those in mourning, even shock, due to the atrocities of this man.  Christianity Today (May2,2k11)

Hat Tip to Steve Bishop, editor, The Reformational Daily

-- Politicarp

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