Friday, May 01, 2009

Economics: Mainland China & Taiwan: Deeper cooperation planned

China View, an English-language digital publication of the official party-line lite, reports an equally official news agency, Xinhua (Ap26,2k9) news release regarding a top-level meeting of continental representatives in Nanjing together with a large set of visiting Taiwan island representatives, regarding investment in both directions, and trade.

·The cross-straits ties have ushered into a "new era of peaceful development," said mainland top negotiator.

·The two sides would also try to reach consensus on mainland investment in Taiwan.

·It would set a foundation for market entering threshold of the financial sector, said Taiwan top negotiator Chiang.
The War that never arrived, one m+t say of the shifts in attitudes and (lack of) contacts that characteried continental and Taiwan island, the one or two Chinas, now that Hong Kong, Macao, Tibet and Uigurland have all been absorbed. Only North Korea slipped thru the net that continental Communist-dominated China has set here there and all roundabout.

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