Tuesday, February 13, 2007

War: USA/Iran: Just as in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, the USA is already de facto at war with Iran

Yes, the USA is now acknowledging that Iran has been and is presently waging war against the American soldiers in Iran. This is the background for the breaking story that Moqtada al-Sadr, the Islamofascist Iraqi Shi'ite , has fled his militia and run to Iran.

But here's the article by David Blair, diplomatic correspondent for The Telegraph (UK), "Pentagon blames Iran for 170 US deaths" (Feb2,2k7):

America today blamed Iran for the deaths of 170 US troops inside Iraq, accusing Teheran of supplying insurgents with increasingly sophisticated bombs.

Picture of Iran-made bomb released by US: Pentagon blames Iran for 170 US deaths
A photo of a roadside bomb released by the US military today. The US claims the device was made in Iran for insurgents in Iraq

Senior defence officials in Baghdad said that Iranian-supplied "explosively formed projectiles" were frequently being used against coalition forces.

They said the "highest levels" of Iran’s regime were responsible for giving them to Shia militias in Iraq [notably Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army, backed by his 30-member delegation in the Iraq Parliament--P].
Russian FM calls for US 'flexibility' on Iran AP (Feb14,2k7)
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday urged the United States to foster a resolution to the standoff over Iran's nuclear program by showing the same "flexibility" that helped produce North Korea's agreement to halt its atomic programs, Russian news agencies reported.

The remarks were the latest call for a softer US stance on Iran from Russia, which has repeatedly warned that punishing Iran too harshly for its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment would be counterproductive, and followed vocal criticism by President Vladimir Putin of US foreign policy.
These bombs are specially designed to penetrate heavily armoured military vehicles and are capable of crippling the US army’s main battle tank, the Abrams M1.

They have killed 170 US troops since June 2004, according to the American officials. They added that some weapons have been captured and they bore the hallmarks of having been manufactured in Iran.
MidEast > Iran
Many were made as recently as last year – ruling out the possibility that they could have been left over from the many arms caches scattered across Iraq by Saddam Hussein’s regime.

The "machining" on the weapons could only have been completed in Iran, the officials added. They said that only the "highest levels" of Teheran’s regime would have authorised the transfer of these arms into Iraq.

A US helicopter was lost north of Baghdad today – the sixth to be shot down in the last three weeks.

The Apache attack helicopter was reportedly struck by a surface-to-air missile. There is no evidence that Iran has supplied weapons of this kind.

The latest allegations against Iran came as the Teheran regime delivered mixed messages about the future of its nuclear programme. ...

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, repeated the West’s demand that Iran must stop enriching uranium "without ifs and buts and without tricks".

She added: "What we are talking about here is a very, very sensitive technology and so we need a high degree of transparency, which Iran has failed to provide. If Iran does not do this it risks falling deeper into isolation."
The USA insissts it has no intention of opening a front of the present War against Terrorism directly with Iran. But we must prepare ourselves for these eventualities. We do well to remember that, contrary to what some voices are saying, the US was already at war with Saddam Hussein before 9/11. The USA had never made peace with Saddam's Iraq after Persian Gulf War I in which Saddam had invaded Kuwait, a US treaty-partner. When hostilties were stopped short of conquest, the US and Britain had to maintain protective overfl+ts above the Kurdish terroritories of norther Iraq, to prevent Saddamist genocide of the Kurds, and protect overfl+ts above the densely Shia zone of Iraq's south. No-fly zones for the Iraqis, no-genocide zones for Saddam. There was a de facto war going on, continuing PGWI. That was before 9/11.>

Rookmaker Club for Geostrategic Analysis

After 9/11, the War against Terrorism concentrated first on the Taliban in Afghanistan because it's leading core were the foreign troops mobilized there by Al-Quaeda which directly perpetrated the 9/11 attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon. Then, trying to head off an alliance of Al-Quaeda, Taliban, and Saddamist Iraq in view of Iraq's build-up of Weapons of Mass Destruction, the US began the long process of dealing with the UN, and then (as Iraq largely disposed of the WMDs but refused to become transparent to the UN on the issue), a Coalition of the Willing without UN backup opened the new ground war, which really only continued the PGWI, but could well be named PGWII, or the Iraq front of the War against Terrorism, or the War against Saddam's genocide, or the Iraq War.

Iran presents the same factor of waging war and killing US soldiers by proxy in Iraq, all the while it is blatantly building WMDs (nuke weaponry, missiles and all) for "peaceful purposes." The USA is at war with Iran already because of Iran's actions in Iraq against American soldiers, the very soldiers who had protected Iran from Saddam.

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