Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Politics: USA: Karl Rove cleared!

BREAKING NEWS: Karl Rove, stymied since before President Bush's re-election in 2004 as the main aid to the chief executive, has been as cleared as of yesterday of all charges foisted upon him by the Special Prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald's investigation has been underway since the start of the 2004 election, and the decision not to indict Rove is certain to cheer Republicans concerned about Bush's low approval ratings and the prospects of a difficult 2006 congressional election.
President's Men: Rove and Libby:

Meantime, in the reorganization of the White House staff, Rove has been Fitzgerald's investigation has been underway since the start of the 2004 election, and the decision not to indict Rove is certain to cheer Republicans concerned about Bush's low approval ratings and the prospects of a difficult 2006 congressional election. In that respect, it is reported that Rove is chief organizer for the campaign to win Senate passage of Marriage Protection Act which failed in the first round of voting on the subject.

Scooter Libby, former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, remains under indictment in the same matter, but has launched a formidable defense effort. The issue is whether it was appropriate to expose a Kerryite cell in the CIA, the leader of which Valeri Plame has dubiously claimed to have been engaged in "covert operations" on which national security depended. But, cleverly, the investigation, time and money of the apparent witch hunt has been entirely shifted to whether Rove and Libby lied to investigators to cover up a leak to the press about Plame's over-wrawt security status. - Politicarp

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