Holocaust Memorial Day: Calendar: Observance links genocide of European Jews with other genocides
World marks Holocaust Memorial Day
various stuff from my thawt and life in a news-bedevilled world, word play and semiotic experiments, with Christian intent but in hopefully creative tension with culture of North America, both USA and Canada, both hither in Toronto and yon worldwide ...
World marks Holocaust Memorial Day
Posted by Unknown at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: ArbeidMachtFrei, Auschwitz Poland, Birkenau, calendar, Holocaust Memorial Day, KennedyMaev, linked holocausts, Nazis, UnitedNations
— Reposted by Politicarp, refWrite Frontpage politics columnist
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general editor, refWrite Frontpage politics columnist
Posted by Unknown at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Appointments Secretariat, CBC, Federal Public Appointments Commission, HarperStephen, MainsbridgePeter, WatsonGreg
Posted by Unknown at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Drudge, GingrichNewt, Polltico, VanderHieBill
EU's Barnier urges Cameron and City to ‘play the game’ |
David Cameron and the City of London must learn to “play the European game” and give up seeking UK exemptions that would hurt the economy and endanger open trade, the European Union’s top financial regulator Michel Barnier will warn on Monday http://link.ft.com/r/KC2844/KQBQO8/JKXVG/2OZFLU/ZG4KVT/28/h?a1=2012&a2=1&a3=22 January22,2k12 |
Greek bondholders draw line in the sand |
Private owners of Greek debt have made their “maximum” offer for the losses they are willing to accept, the bondholders’ lead negotiator has said, implying that any further demands could kill off a “voluntary” deal and trigger a default http://link.ft.com/r/QM42II/GD1DJO/TFRK7/B5YBNV/IILBQ8/T3/h?a1=2012&a2=1&a3=22 January22,2k12 |
China investors set their sights on Hollywood(1) |
A consortium led by Chinese media entrepreneur Bruno Wu is scouring Hollywood for film companies to acquire, in a sign of China’s growing interest in the US entertainment industry http://link.ft.com/r/4RNQTT/C4N45C/ZL19K/EXQ6DW/XHMWBL/28/h?a1=2012&a2=1&a3=22 January22,2k12 |
Lagarde calls for bigger eurozone firewall |
The head of the International Monetary Fund said on Monday the eurozone needed a bigger firewall to prevent Italy and Spain sliding towards default, underlining Europe’s responsibility in solving its own sovereign debt crisis. In a speech in Berlin, Christine Lagarde, IMF managing director, said that without a larger bail-out fund, fundamentally solvent countries like Italy and Spain could be forced into a financing crisis. http://link.ft.com/r/6NPSBB/ORO3VL/G45OT/307NE2/GDUGZZ/QR/h?a1=2012&a2=1&a3=23 January23,2k12 |
UK Minister rounds on ‘environmental Taliban’ |
Britain’s climate change minister has rounded on the ”environmental Taliban” of green campaigners, insisting they are wrong to accuse the government of abandoning its commitment to an ambitious low carbon agenda http://link.ft.com/r/YIQXNN/C4RUM4/56839/625WMF/QN6X1P/6C/h?a1=2012&a2=1&a3=3 January 03,2912 |
Posted by Unknown at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: economics, economics journalism, Financial Times
Posted by Unknown at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: abortifacientDrugs, Carlson-ThiesDrStanley, churches, contraception, eNews4Faith-based Orgs, healthcare, hospitals, InstitutionalReligiousFreedomAlliance, reproductiveCounselling, sterilization
Posted by Unknown at 11:46 AM 0 comments