Friday, May 26, 2006

Politics: USA: Immigration law negotiatns btwn Senators & Reprsntves select committee, diametrically opposed, Bush called in

FoxNews has posted a comparison of the opposing versions for the proposed new immigration law offered by the House of Representatives and the Senate. Tho quoting the FN text, I've had to snip the parallels, where they exist between the two, to make the comparison more line-by-line. The Senate version was just passed (while the summary of its items below was published prior to passage); the House version was passsed in December 2005.

Senate: Allows illegal immigrants in the country five years or more to remain, continue working and eventually become legal residents after paying fines, back taxes and learning English.

House: No provisions providing path to legal residency or citizenship for illegal immigrants. No new temporary guest worker program.


Senate: Requires illegal immigrants in the U.S. between two and five years to go to a point of entry at the border and file an application to return.

— Requires those in the country less than two years to leave.

House: Makes illegal presence in the country a felony and increases penalties for first-time illegal entry to the U.S.

— Requires mandatory detention for all non-Mexican illegal immigrants arrested at ports of entry or at land and sea borders.


Senate No provisions for the following -

House: Makes it a felony to assist, encourage, direct or induce a person to enter or attempt to enter or remain in the United States illegally. [This item targets brokers, shippers, and guides.]

– Beginning in six years, all employers would have to use a database to verify Social Security numbers of all employees.

— Increases maximum fines for employers of illegal workers from current $10,000 to $40,000 per violation and establishes prison sentences of up to 30 years for repeat offenders.

– Establishes mandatory sentences for smuggling illegal immigrants and for re-entering the United States illegally after deportation.


Senate: Creates a special guest worker program for an estimated 1.5 million immigrant farm workers, who could also earn legal permanent residency.

House : no provision.


Senate: Provides up to 325,000 temporary visas a year for future workers, with additional visas possible based on labor market demands.

House: no provision.


Senate Adds up to 14,000 Border Patrol agents by 2011 to the current force of 11,300 agents, for a potential total of 25,300.

House : No provision.


Senate Authorizes additional detention facilities for apprehended illegal immigrants.

House: no provision.


Senate: No provision for either of the following - House: Makes a drunken driving conviction a deportable offense.

– Requires building two-layer fences along 700 miles of the 2,000-mile border between Mexico and the United States.

I think this closer comparison gives more clarity regarding the big gaps in each house's proposal, aside from the more sheerly philosophical differences. - Politicarp

Further Resources:

Rep Sensenbrenner > House, Senate are 180 degrees opposite
Mexico's Vincente Fox will cooperate with immigation reform

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