Sunday, February 12, 2006

Valentine's : Potion : adrenaline, dopamine, norepinephrine, phenylethylamine (the latter found in chocolate)

The biochemistry of two different kinds of loving can be expressed in the language of hormones, endorphins, etc. One kind is the kind prevailing in the first 18 months of a love affair, which fades by the third year of intimacy. In the meantime, in a continuing intimacy or marriage, another set of natural creational biochemicals come into play - thus, is a longterm lasting love established by a couple.

Wow! courtship

So says Cheryl Wetzstein in Washington Times, "Love is a long-haul addiction" (Feb 11,2k6). Among other sources, the reporter refers to a writer for ... well, here it is:

Oxytocin "is really a miracle chemical that is natural and automatically produced with touch and closeness and intimacy," says Janice Crouse, who recently wrote about "Love Potion Number 'O' " for Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute.
Hot love fades ... like my graphic. Has anyone got another, more spritely? .... that I could post instead, you know, before Valentine's Day. - Owlb

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