Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Science: Classroom: Macht comments on Wisconsin's proposed anti-ID law

Some of the best scientifically-reflective and critical thawt on Intelligent Design is taking place on a small Canadian blog named Prosthesis. The writing is accessible, the historical streams of thawt are taken well into account, and many of blog-entries are brief. Such is the case with today's entry, "The Wisconsin ID Bill," by blogger Macht. I quote only the beginning as a kind of teaser, so click up the headline to my blog-entry above, and read the brief valuable reflection offered.

There is a strange bill in the Wisconsin legislature that deals with the teaching of science in public school classrooms. Here is the text of the bill (HT: Ed Brayton):

Intelligent Design

SECTION 1. 118.018 of the statutes is created to read:

118.018 Science instruction. The school board shall ensure that any material presented as science within the school curriculum complies with all of the following:

(1) The material is testable as a scientific hypothesis and describes only natural processes.

(2) The material is consistent with any description or definition of science adopted by the National Academy of Sciences.

For sake of argument, I'll grant that methodological naturalism is the best way to do science. Even granting that, though, the bill is still a rather poor attempt to legislate what should be taught in science class.

While you're Machting on Intelligent Design, why not go to the Google-sponsored Blogger Search Beta pages for which I used the search terms Prosthesis Macht ID. The same thing in Blogger's own Blog Search Beta format which I found (Hat Tip, amigo) on Gregory Baus' blog Honest To Blog under the link title 101 posts about Inteligent Design (actually, about 50, I think, not including today's). I consider this a major online resource on science, let alone ID. - Anaximaximum

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