Sunday, April 08, 2007

Terrorism: SouthWest Pacific: Indonesia and Australia avert a massive 2nd Bali, Solomon Islands disaster, Tamil separatists 'airforce"

Here are three brief items from Christian Science Monitor email newsletter (Apr4,2k7):

Indonesia/Australia joint anti-terrorist action:

Joint action by the security forces of Indonesia and Australia averted an action plan by jihadists of an extreme Muslim grouping to double the kill rate of vacationing Aussies and other foreign tourists in Bali in recent days.
Solomon Islands disaster lacks relief due to aftershocks:
The first emergency teams arrived in the Solomon Islands to help survivors of the earthquake and tsunami that battered the South Pacific archipelago Monday. The first priorities, officials said, would be to restore communications, then treat the injured and distribute food and supplies. At least 27 aftershocks were reported, forcing thousands of residents to remain on high ground for safety and causing authorities to warn of additional tsunamis. [CSM, Apr3,2k7] A second report a day later stresses that relief is not getting thru yet, and that victims of the flooding caused by the tsunami lack shelter, drinkable water, and food.
Sri Lanka's separatist Tamil Tigers go airborne:
LTTE, the organizational name for the ruthless separatist movement in Tamil areas of Sri Lanka have put an airplane in the sky to bomb forces of the national Sri Lankan military.

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