Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Canada: Politics: Lameduck prime minister contradictionful in smear campaign vs Tory's Harper, re demotion of trad marriage

Once again, premiere Canadian blogger, Canadianna has fingered the abcess in Paul Martin's view of "Charter rights" and his Prime Ministerial responsiblity. The believability gap between Martin's rhetoric and his actual trade-offs with special interest groups to gain votes for a party that has proven its unworthiness, without the will to get rid of its outworn egomaniacal leader, a leftover from Jean Chretien's days, this believability gap has swollen to become an enormous pus-sack that grows wider and wider as the campagin proceeds.

Not only is there no "same-sex" marriage right in Canada's Charter of Rights, but Martin's present claim that members of his caucus not in the Cabinet are a-okay in not supporting this right (that he claims is absolute) and yet allowing them to retain their Lib party status in the House of Commons, most apparently even running again this time around, again for the Libs. (The New Democrats drove out the Member of Parliament from their ranks who violated totalitarian discipline to vote against Martin's Folly which thereby became also NDP leader Layton's Folly as well).

But this is not the only case where Martin has handed out cash and inflated rhetoric to buy votes from carefully-calculated select constituencies. It's the only one where he has wrapped himself in the absolutist rhetoric of absolute rights, while taking away the rights of those entering into or planning to enter into traditional marriages. Martin has broken all sense of the state's reasons for prioritizing 1woman1man intimate unions by levelling that relation to mere equality before the state with other kinds of intimate relations in which the state has no such of its own reasons for treating as equal, and the same. He's done this when he had an opportunity to recognize other kinds of intiamte unions, and to pass bread-and-butter measures in that direction. Rather, he demoted even his own marriage, not having a deep enuff philosophy of society to value what God has given him in his 1woman1man vowed intimate union.

He should be ashamed to call himself a Roman Catholic, and the RC Church in Canada should be ashamed to permmit him to partake in the Eurcharist. Martin's sex and generic marriage policy has hurt the kind of intimate union that the Canadian state should clearly prioritize. The inflated rhetoric of rights has advanced under Martin to the point of sickening many Canadians to that kind of rhetoric in its entirety. Martin is a rights-rhetoric abuser; and it's a homo who's saying so.

Burkean Conservative has also touched on the disease of rightsitis that has infected Canadian political thawt, both popular and hibrow, in Russ Kuykendall's "Why it's never enough for the hyper-rights crowd." However, I find that Russ would help us more if he could turn his powerful political-theory mind to the phenom of the inflation of rights rhetoric - as Martin has learned it, actually, from the schools of jurisprudence at Canadian universities. These are not pluralist institutions. How one ideology of rights took over the teaching of legal philosophy, history, and current practice in this country, is a tale waiting to be told. We dissenting bloggers should create a demand for the telling. - Owlb

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